Getting Ready for Camp


We have not succeeded at eliminating forms but with the Parent Dashboard, we have made the process easier. Most of our forms can be filled out and submitted directly online. The few things you need to print, fill out and submit by uploading using the Parent Dashboard. If you are having an issue with uploading, please email us.

Start filling out your forms on the Parent Dashboard now or read about the forms below.

Health Forms

New York State requires us to have a lot of health information before your child arrives at camp. We need a Berkshire Hills 2025 Health Exam Form signed by you and your doctor. This form is also used to let us know which over the counter medication can be given to your child. In addition to the Health Exam form, we need you to complete the health history forms, a form about Sunscreen and Meningococcal, and we also need a front and back copy of your child’s insurance card.

The Health History, Suncreen, Bug Repellent, and Meningococcal forms should be filled out online by you. You do not need a doctor to complete these forms and they are now online forms that will go directly into our medical database to be used by our medical staff. Please fill out these forms online and upload a copy of the front and back of your child’s insurance card as soon as possible but no later than May 31st.

The Health Exam Form must be filled out by your doctor based upon an exam in the last 12 months prior to the start date of camp and must be signed by both you AND your doctor. We cannot give your child any over the counter medication (think even an aspirin) unless the form is filled out properly. Please return these forms by uploading them to the Parent Dashboard.

Since some of these forms are tricky, please complete them as early as possible so we can review them. If these forms are not properly completed, we will not be allowed to have your child at camp until they are corrected.

Trip Forms

Trip forms live on the Parent Dashboard. They are now available.


You can find packing lists for all our session lengths below. Please review them carefully both for what you should and should not send up to camp. We encourage you to involve your child in the packing process no matter how old or how young they are. Part of heading off to camp is being responsible for your stuff and it is hard to feel responsible if you don’t even know what stuff you brought with you. Many children also feel more secure about the transition to camp if they have been part of the packing process. Also please make sure you label everything (shoes, toothbrush, soap container, everything) with your child’s name (not just initials).

Packing lists:

Transportation and Luggage

Camp offers buses from Essex County, NJ, Queens, NY and Westchester, NY. We also offer a bus from Boston, MA for our Second Session only. Please complete the transportation form on your Parent Dashboard which also includes questions regarding how luggage will get to and from camp.

Information about luggage and buses is now available in our Camp Handbook which has been emailed and can also be found on the Parent Dashboard.


In order for our Nurses to focus all of their attention on campers who need medical assistance and to make sure we are in compliance with medical regulations, we require all medication in pill form to be sent to camp via Pine Plains Pharmacy (also known as Good Neighbor Pharmacy). That includes prescription medications and any over the counter medications which are taken daily. Pine Plains Pharmacy takes your child’s medication and sends them to camp in labeled individual doses. Please have your doctor fill your prescription with Pine Plains Pharmacy at least 30 days prior to the start of your camper’s session and fill out the form below.

The link to register for medication will be made available in Spring 2025.

The Camp Health Center stocks over the counter medication like Tylenol, Advil and Benadryl. You will not need to order medication like this from Pine Plains Pharmacy (unless it is taken daily) and please do not send it with your child to camp as it cannot be stored in the bunk. Medication such as refrigerated medications, rescue inhalers and Epi-pens that must accompany campers or any medications like antibiotics that a camper has started just prior to the start of camp may be sent on the bus and handed directly to a bus counselor as long as you have notified the Camp Health Center.

Any other medications not listed above and not in pill form must be received at camp by Sunday, June 15th, so the health staff can be prepared for the start of camp. There will be a $150 charge – per medication – for any medication except refrigerated medications, rescue inhalers, Epi-pens and recently started medications like antibiotics that accompany a camper on the bus to camp.

Phone Calls

Phone calls home will take place after dinner so will start around 7pm.  We have quite a few campers who need to call on each of these days so please be patient. Also, phone calls can be tough on campers and even the happiest camper can become weepy as they hear your voice so please know that if there was a concern or issue, you would have heard from us already. Here is the camper phone call schedule for 2025:

Freshman Unit (Bunks 1&2): Sunday, July 6th & Monday, July 28th
Sophomore Unit (Bunks 3-8): Sunday, July 6th & Monday, July 28th
Junior Unit (Shacks 1-8): Wednesday, July 9th & Sunday, July 27th
Senior Unit (Cabins 2-5 & Greenhouse): Monday, July 7thth & Thursday, July 24th
Culinary Camp: Tuesday, July 8th & Tuesday, July 29th


Back in the olden days, when I was little, you communicated with people at camp by letter. My older brother actually wrote me every day that I was at camp, and I still have all the letters he wrote in a drawer. You can now use an e-mail service to e-mail your child at camp. Click here to register for this service using the code that was emailed to you. Please contact Kim at [email protected] if you need any assistance.

We do NOT accept packages at camp. Please do not send any packages as they will be rejected and not received by your child. If your child is running out of something essential, you will receive a call from the Unit Head to discuss it with you.

Our Camp photographers also take pictures most days at camp, and post them in our Photo Gallery. Login to the Parent Dashboard to view these photos. Please look at these photos to get a general sense of the camp day, and not to track your child’s progress at camp.

Camp also posts updates on Facebook and Instagram.

Visiting Days

Camp offers two Family Visiting Days. In 2025 they will occur on Sunday, July 13th and Sunday, August 3rd.